The Positions are a six-piece indiepop band from Washington DC. We worship at the altar of the pop single.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Download Our New Album Tonight...For Free

Our new six-song album is now available on Bandcamp to download, and you can name your own price, including the price of zero. That is, you can download it for FREE. Those all-caps don't lie.

Why are we giving it away? Simple: because more than anything else, we want our friends, family and those of you who already knew about us before Tonight's official release date to have it and listen to it however you want. Period.

The free download will end on June 29th, which is the day the album will hit the digital stores like iTunes and Amazon. So grab it before then and tell everyone you know.

Two things: one is that you'll notice when you name zero as your price, it'll ask you for your email address. We will only email you twice at that address: to let you know when the album is available in the digital stores, and once more when the album is released on vinyl.

Second, you may wonder why we even bother allowing you to name more than zero. Also simple: because we spent a lot of money recording this and while we don't expect to make that back, we like supporting the bands that we love by buying their stuff, and so if you do too, then you can throw in three bucks or five or whatever you'd like to tip us with.

But again, we would much rather that you have it than anything else, so if you don't want to drag your credit card out or just don't feel like paying, then grab it for free and don't think twice about it.

Most of all: enjoy it. And spread the word!

>> Download Tonight Now
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