The Positions are a six-piece indiepop band from Washington DC. We worship at the altar of the pop single.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tonight, Bliss & Paying What You Want

Let's skip the details, conversations, stats crunching, shady backroom deals, and dramatic hostage rescues that have gone into the decision and just leave you with the decision:

As of today, the download of Tonight is going back to name-your-own-price, including free. And just as good as that? So is Bliss!

Both albums will remain on the other online stores like iTunes and Amazon MP3 for whatever they're charging for it. But if you get it through, you can pay whatever you like.

One thing, though: if you download it for free, you can pay us back by telling your friends on Twitter or Facebook or your entire email address book or your Furries Anonymous "support group". It's a tiny, quick gesture, but it makes a big difference.

There when you need us (except when we're not),
      The Positions
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